A firefighter wearing fire gear working with Eco EFP o Striker ARFF.


Measure foam percentages from every discharge on the vehicle. The Oshkosh® ECO EFP™ system requires zero foam on the ground for testing foam percentage. ECO EFP measures both the solution and foam flows on the vehicle, and even archives the testing data with a time and date stamp for three years. It’s the only foam measuring system fully integrated on the vehicle.



  • Patent-pending system tests foam percentages using only water
  • Decreases environmental concerns with foam discharging
  • Entire system accessed with one display on the pump panel
  • System prompts provided for easy step-by-step use
  • Ability to test without the expense of using foam


  • Has archive for all data back three years
  • Shows last test data for easy reference
  • Includes time and date stamps
  • Data is downloadable via USB


  • Uniquely configured on-truck with no other equipment needed
  • Simple to use interface screen
  • Measures actual solution flow for highly accurate foam percentage readings
  • Works in conjunction with the Oshkosh electronic foam proportioning system
ECO EFP™ control panel on a Striker ARFF.

Eco EFP control panel with a firefighter's hand pressing a button.